Even Obama Won't Last Forever

Thursday, January 22, 2009

It Only Took Two Days,...

And the Obamistake's Elitist Corps has thrown the first salvo against the working man:

From HotAir:

Video: No stimulus money for white males

Wasn’t this supposed the era of post-racialism? Robert Reich apparently didn’t get that message. In his appearance before Congress on structuring the stimulus plan on January 7th, Reich suggested that the package discriminate against white male workers:

I am concerned, as I’m sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to high-skilled people who are already professionals or to white male construction workers. … I have nothing against white male construction workers. I’m just saying that there are a lot of other people who have needs as well. … Criteria can be set so that the money does go to others, the long term unemployed minorities, women, people who are not necessarily construction workers or high-skilled professionals.

Basically, Reich wants Congress to create some means testing that doesn’t explicitly keep stimulus funds from paying the salaries of white males. He suggests that the lawmakers create “criteria” that will have that effect in practice without being crass enough to say, No Whites Need Apply. Congress has done this in milder form for the last few decades by mandating set-asides for women- and minority-owned businesses in government contracts, but even those don’t require the businesses to refuse to hire white male construction workers.

This sounds a lot more like a paternalistic welfare program than a real effort to improve American infrastructure. We’re building roads and bridges for all Americans, using tax money from all Americans. Everyone should have equal access to the jobs created by this stimulus plan. What Reich proposes is flat-out official racism by government, refusing to hire people on the basis of their skin color. Didn’t our last election demonstrate a rejection of that kind of thinking? And note that Reich offers the racist rationalization that he doesn’t have anything against white male construction workers. Maybe some of his best friends are white male construction workers, too.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Battle Plan,...

Received from an e-mail from Moshe of the Young Republican Network:

Republican Activists,

This Tuesday marks a moment in history. A time where America is exposed to blatant socialist thinking; yes this is worse than the subversive behavior of the recent Republican Party.

I don't need to harp on this, we're going to get plenty of emails detailing the end of the world, etc. I care more about action than talking. I am, in essence, an activist. ;)


#1 - CONNECT WITH OTHER ACTIVISTS in your area and state. I'm NOT talking about "cocktail Republicans", "Happy Hour Only" YR's, or people who complain all the time. I'm talking about people who understand what it takes to get something done and can move through a thankless job without injury.

#2 - STOP GIVING LIBERALS MONEY in an effort to promote the Republican and Conservative cause! This drives me crazy. Connect with Republicans on Republican platforms. So far I know of several new party movements, including RebuildTheParty and TeamSarah, that are supporting pornography, Democratic fundraising, and liberal platforms - none intentionally. OK, I'll consider #2 TMI at this point but we REALLY need to start understanding what we're doing or things are not going to get better. (Don't feed the gorilla that you're about to fight!)

#3 - WORK TOGETHER! You are not going to create the next MoveOn.org, ever. So get over it. MoveOn.org was NOT grassroots. It was the political arm of George Soros to undermine President Bush. It's popularity came after Soros pumped millions into it. You will not be able to do the same thing without millions of dollars in funding. Where does that leave us? The same place we started... smarter, more motivated, and better connected than the Democrats. We just need to start working together... try these words, HELPING each other in our various projects.

#4 - PLAN, GROW, BUILD! What are your plans in these next 2 years? What are the plans of your local Republican Party? What about candidates? Who's running for office in your area? What can you do to make a race more competitive in this and future races? There's a quote out there that states, "If you fail to plan then you plan to fail."

#5 - Read 1 through 4 again, think about why I'm saying these things, and think about what you can do to "Change the Game"

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Was His Election an "Honest Mistake," Too?

Detecting a pattern here?

The Obamessiah attends the same church for 20-odd years but fails to hear his racist pastor take The Lord's name in vain and damns America's white population. Whoops! An honest mistake?

Gov. Bill Richardson was nominated for Commerce Secretary. Whoops! He's under investigation and withdraws,....an honest mistake?

Timothy Geithner was nominated for Treasury Secretary. Whoop! He forgot to pay his taxes! More than once! An honest mistake?

Carol Browner, Obama's designated High Priestess to the Altar of Algore,..er, I mean, "Climate Czar," is a full-blown Socialist!!! Oops! Another poorly-vetted loser or "an honest mistake?"

Dear Lord and Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot! Was the whole f**king November election just "an honest mistake," too? Can we get a do-over? Can we get The Supremes to invalidate the whole mess based on mass-media hypnosis?

At this rate, will the next terrorist attack on US soil be written off by the Secretary of State and pancake-faced Pantsuit Princess as "an honest mistake" as well?

Thursday, January 8, 2009


HT to Tony P's Centrist:

HOPE? I guess we can all HOPE he's either impeached or gets beat in 2012.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Obamistakes Begin to Mount

Bill Richardson has withdrawn his nomination to be commerce secretary.

Richardson, who will remain governor of New Mexico, is facing a federal grand jury investigation into whether he exchanged government contracts for contributions to three Richardson political committees.

Richardson denies any wrongdoing but the investigation won't be finished before he has to go to a Senate confirmation hearing.

"Let me say unequivocally that I and my administration have acted properly in all matters and that this investigation will bear out that fact," Richardson said in a statement. "But I have concluded that the ongoing investigation also would have forced an untenable delay in the confirmation process."

Obama said he was accepting Richardson's request to withdraw with "deep regret."

It is a measure of his willingness to put the nation first that he has removed himself as a candidate for the Cabinet in order to avoid any delay in filling this important economic post at this critical time," the president-elect said in a statement. "I look forward to his future service to our country and in my administration."

The Bitter American ponders:

Is there ANYONE in the Obamistake's line-up that ISN'T wiping the mud from their shoes before entering the White House??